Aloha kakou [kah-koh] or “welcome everyone” (in Hawaiian) to my blog where you’ll find useful information on managing Type 1 diabetes in a fun, honest, and practical way. Life is already complicated as it is and having T1d or a toddler with T1d makes it 10 times more challenging. I’m a realist due to all the hardships I’ve dealt with in the past and that definitely sets the tone for this blog. However, you will also see other cheerful influences from my Hawaii upbringing and passion for design and surfing in some of the content featured. Read more About Us.

Photo: Blueberry Sky Photography by our dear friend and fellow T1dmom
Mommy & me dresses: Cinnamon Girl Hawaii

Please Note

If you’re here to seek the T1dtruth, then you will enjoy this blog and appreciate all the resources I’ve gathered for you. I hope you can relate to my sense of humor and find my candor refreshing. If you’re in denial of this disease, well then, you probably wouldn’t even be reading this right now. Perhaps I can give you or your loved one some motivation, encouragement, and empower you with information.

I’m aware that some people may disagree with me on some points, but to each their own. Everyone has their own management style of this disease. This blog along with my social media accounts are how I choose to share our individual experiences throughout this T1dLife. It’s important that all readers have a clear understanding of our knowledge with diabetes technology which is why my reviews are quite cutthroat. All of my technical reviews are brought to you with the professional expertise of my husband who is an AI engineer and former medical professor.

Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.

– Bruce Lee

Goal of This Blog

To help others especially those newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes to have a reliable source of honest factual information backed by our own research and experiences. To inspire, motivate, empower, and educate others to take control of their own diabetes.


Nothing on this blog is meant to be taken as medical advice. Many of my followers on Instagram often ask me all sorts of medical questions, but I am not a doctor nor will I suggest you do what we do (don’t literally follow us). Please seek consultation and assistance by a licensed physician and/or diabetes nurse educator. Always make educated decisions and find what works best for managing your child’s or your own diabetes. If you feel you’re having a medical emergency, then dial 911. Oh yeah, and herbs don’t cure T1d.